Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I snapped this pic at Seremban TNB main branch. Can you tell what is wrong with this photo?


Baldwin said...

the number of days are all outta order!! *lol

Unknown said...


Nydya said...

i don't get it? :^p explain pls!

Unknown said...

It's very simple. Look at the first number. It states that the TNB station has been operation without any accident for 697 days, which is about 2 years (365 days = 1 year).

Look at the 2nd line. Now it states that the last accident that the station had is on 27th Feb 2009. I took the photo on 6th May, which means the station should be operating without an accident for 2 month plus, not 2 years.

The person has been adding changing those numbers everyday and did not realize it's mistale.

This error has been rectified after 2 months I posted this photo.