Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Indoor Tsunami

It's been a very (and still is!) a very busy week for us & some fellas just had nothing to do and wanted to add into our workload. On Sunday this fella played a prank on us. He turned off the main water pump so that the church (next door extension where we have all the classrooms) would not have water supply. And this is not the first time. Usually we would turn it on back but somehow on Sunday everybody was busy and we overlooked it.

And presumely the same guy turn on all the toilet water tap to the max. And because there is no water supply, nobody thought of checking the taps before closing the church for the week. The presumely the same fella came back at night, turn back the main water tap, leaving the water flowing in the toilet until we discovered it on Tuesday morning. By then all 90% all the rooms were already flooded.


We have temporarily shift all the stuff to the main sanctuary while we try to dry up the classrooms and shift it back again. Ughh!! . All the baby mattresses and cupboards had to be thrown away because the water disintegrated it.

Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!

More water! More cleaning! Uggh! What a waste of water!

Even the pregnant lady have to chip in to help because the place needs to be dry by tomorrow night's meeting.

Everything almost done by Wed but the carpet is still wet and needed a few days to dry. Deep in my heart I feel very angry. I thought to myself, if I ever caught the culprit I'll personally crucify that punk on our Easter Drama cross. But then again I took heart when I read this Scripture on Deut 32:35

"Vengeance is Mine, and recompense, their foot shall slip in due time, for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them"

To punk that did this to us, I got this to say, "You don't know whose house you are messing with. May God have mercy on your soul"


Annie said...

ok, am I the only one who noticed Kok Hon taking pictures while the women do all the work? *smacking Kok Hon upside the head*. You even posted evidence of a poor pregnant woman working! You slave driver you!

Just kidding. I know you were at least stepping out of the way as the water sloshed past you. that's helpful. LOL

on a serious note, I'm sorry about your church though. Water damage is the worst kind.

Anonymous said...

LOL at Annie's comment.

Kok Hon, caught the culprit yet?

Unknown said...

Annie: Hahaha. I could already guessed that you would be mentioning about the absence of males in the pics. The males are busy moving the stuff next door :p

Pooh: Nope, culprit never found but He knows who did it. So peace is with me again.