Sunday, August 05, 2007

Spotted again

Spotted this lorry with 3 men irresponsibly throwing rubbish just next to one of our local assemblymen house! Isk! Isk! Malaysians are way behind in terms of civic mindedness. They are Chinese by the way. Maybe they are trying to send a message to that MP. "Nah! Eat back your own dirt!". Oh well, general elections are just around the corner.


Jonzz said...

Should have gotten close ups with license plate and all.

Unknown said...

I blame it on my crappy phone cam. Really need a good digicam now. Duh...more excuses for me to get my own digicam.

Annie said...

Closer up Jonzz? Are you crazy? What if they saw Kok Hon in his Pink polo shirt and went after him for documenting illegal activity.

This might be the last we'll see of Kok Hon. Poor Kok Hon.

Anonymous said...

Why pink polo shirt?

LOL. His avatar ah?

Unknown said...

Awww cared after all....snift! snift! Hmmm..I don't remember that pink shirt is a polo shirt...