Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentino Strikes Back!

After my gf gave me such a wonderful surprise, it's time for me to crack me head to think of what to give her. Darn, she raised the standard so high.

I thought of a pair of earrings, went and scout around looking for some crystal earrings and the prices were way exorbitant. Those bloody suckers. They sucks money out of our pockets in the name of Valentine.

Then I came out with this. I'll just get a bouquet of flowers. She loves "forget-me-not (I don't know what they call that in America)" so I got her those. Item no.1 check. Item no.2 is buy a large card and filled it with mushy-mushy words. I think females hates cards that just filled with a simple greeting so I literally wrote for one hour straight on that card, finding every writable corner I possible could to write to show my sincerity.

Next, the method of delivery. Girls like attention and surprises (well, at least I think so) I got the card and the flower ready a day earlier. I took the gifts directly to her office while she wasn't around to keep the element of surprise. To add in more I went up disguising myself as the flower boy with my helmet on. Once I opened the door, I loudly announced "Flower delivery for Miss (her name)". Everybody looked up, and her supervisor quickly came and said that she wasn't around and took the flowers on behalf of her.

When she came back to the office and saw the flowers on her table, boy, was she embarrassed. All her colleagues wants to see what's in the card. I think the rest was just green with envy. And my disguising trick pulled off. Nobody believed her when she said that it was not the flower boy but me.

Valentine was filled with a wonderful smile from her face. Will have to crack head next year's Valentine again. My bag is running out of tricks.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Give the man a cookie! He deserves it! Nice job Kok Hon:

1. You surprised her. (30 pts)
2. WE ALL LOVE FLOWERS! (50 pts)
3. You got her a mushy card (10pts)
4. You thought of it thoroughly and thought of her specifically...
...... dude, that's PRICELESS.

It shows you care... that's what matters the most.

and making a few co-workers jealous with envy shows she's got a good catch.

You did good. I'm proud of you.