What would you do to your piled-up pirated VCDs/DVDs (piracy is something very common here in Malaysia) that have been stocked for ages in the cupboard since you last watched them? Throw them away? Those CDs are plastic and its not biodegradeable. That would hurt the mother nature of our beautiful Malaysia. Want to recycle but don't know how or the recycling centre is too far away?
Well some economy rice seller here in Seremban has an great idea on how to reuse your old CDs. To scare away flies! Yes, instead of buying those blue light electric insect trap that makes a horror electric zap to this insect, you can flip it's reflective side and it will scare the flies away! How does it work? Well the logic is, since the reflective side of the CD somewhat magnify an object in its reflection, so when a fly flew close to the CDs it would be fooled thinking that there's a bigger object coming into its way and thus fly into other direction. Does it work you may ask? You bet it does! Rice planters has scarecrow in their fields, rice sellers has scareflies stuck on their stalls.
And that's another genius discovery of our local Malaysians.
wow ! how ingenious !
should get an inventor's award lah !
hahahaha.. In fact the sin chew daily like my pics so much they took it to put it on their NS front page.
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